Information Booklets

Understanding behaviours of concern in children, adults and older people


Continence care for family carers


Good nutrition for family carers


Mental Health & Family Caring: Supporting the Supporters

As a family carer coping with the challenges of caring for a person with a mental health issue, there are times when you may find it difficult to manage your own mental health. The content in this booklet is based on a five-week mental health education programme that was coproduced by Mental Health Ireland and Family Carers Ireland for the families and supporters of people living with mental health challenges.

Learning from the delivery of the programme and designed for all family members and supporters, the booklet aims to give you information, guidance and practical tips to:

  • •  Promote a model of family recovery
  • •  Support good mental health
  • •  Enhance communication skills
  • •  Explore and define boundaries
  • •  Access appropriate services and supports

We hope you and your family will find it of use on your recovery journey.

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