Research Funding

Please note that this funding call is now closed.

HRCI-HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2021/22
Call for Expressions of Interest

Family Carers Ireland is pleased to announce a call for research proposals under the Health Research Charities Ireland (HRCI) and Health Research Board (HRB) Joint Funding Scheme in which patient and carer-centred organisations, such as Family Carers Ireland, and the HRB share the cost of funding high quality research activities of particular relevance to our community.

All researchers must submit their applications to Family Carers Ireland directly to be considered for the scheme. The HRB will manage the awards.

Family Carers Ireland is now accepting expressions of interest (EOI) applications for the HRCI-HRB Joint Funding Scheme. All proposals to Family Carers Ireland must address the research thematic priorities outlined below.

Call open: 23rd September

EOI deadline: 15th October

EOI shortlisting process: 18th to 22nd October

Invitation to submit full proposal: 22nd October

Deadline for submission of full applications: 19th November

Duration of funding: 12-24 months

Level of funding: up to €100,000 (€50,000 per annum)


Our Research Strategy and Priorities

With a commitment to rigorous research on issues relating to care, Family Carers Ireland supports, conducts, commissions and funds high-quality research which contributes to the evidence base about family caring and meets our strategic objectives. It is our aim to advance carer policy and practice on the basis of robust research evidence; to develop and learn from best practice and create new and innovative ways to support family carers; while enriching our knowledge through the experience and expertise of family carers. To achieve these aims we have six strategic research priorities:

  1. Support, conduct, commission and fund (where possible) relevant, timely and ethical research that informs better policy, practice and supports for family carers.
  2. Engage in partnerships and collaborations with academic institutions and other organisations with an interest in research, to develop and progress research projects and facilitate family carers to take part in research.
  3. Communicate and disseminate key research evidence to family carers, researchers, healthcare professionals, policy-makers, and other stakeholders
  4. Influence the wider national and international research agenda to prioritise relevant and timely work related to family carers
  5. Promote Public Patient Involvement (PPI) in research as best practice and develop mechanisms for meaningful PPI
  6. Use research findings to inform our advocacy and lobbying efforts to advance policy and bring about positive change for family carers.


Areas of Research Interest

Family Carers Ireland is committed to supporting researchers to carry out the best quality research into carer-related areas. We are particularly interested in the following research topics which have been identified through a research prioritisation exercise:

  • Valuing carers in terms of their economic and societal contribution (including methods for ‘counting carers’ in Ireland)
  • Economic impact and the financial strain of caregiving
  • Support services and infrastructure, in particular:
    • mapping provision and access to respite in Ireland across the life course
    • hospital to home models that impact on family carer wellbeing


Funding Available

Family Carers Ireland is seeking to support projects up to €100,000 over 12-24 months.


Application Process

Family Carers Ireland invites expressions of interest for the HRCI-HRB Joint Funding Scheme. Please complete this document and submit to Family Carers Ireland by 5pm on Friday 15th October to The information submitted in this form will be used to create a shortlist of applicants.

Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by Thursday 22nd October and invited to submit the ‘full’ application using the official HRB/HRCI Joint Funding Scheme application form by 5pm on Friday 19th November.  Please therefore refer to the HRB guidance notes prior to submitting a pre-application. All full applications received will undergo international peer review and internal review. Following this, the highest ranking proposals will be submitted for consideration under the HRB/HRCI Joint Funding Scheme.



Below is an indicative timeline for the award

Expression of interest applications open

Thursday 23 September 2021

Deadline for submission of EOI to Family Carers Ireland

5pm Friday 15 October 2021

Submission of full application to Family Carers Ireland (if shortlisted)

5pm Friday 19 November 2021

Submission of shortlisted applications to HRB

Early March 2022

Applicant notification

July 2022

Contracts issued

September 2022

Research project start date

November 2022



Further Information

Further information on the call including eligibility criteria of applicants and project, application process, review process, information on PPI, etc. can be found in the HRCI-HRB Instructions to Applicants document.

All proposals must meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the HRCI-HRB Instructions to Applicants document and also address the thematic research priorities of Family Carers Ireland.

Information on the HRCI-HRB Joint Funding Scheme can also be found on:



If you have any questions, please make contact via email to


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