National Freephone Careline

Careline hours are 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 5pm on Friday. Since 2016, the Samaritans have kindly taken calls from family carers who wish to speak to someone outside of these hours.

1800 24 07 24

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We are always striving to make our supports and services for family carers better and to do this, we are asking for your honest opinion on the Careline service. To access the Careline survey, simply click here.

Family Carers Ireland offers a confidential, friendly and supportive National Freephone Careline on 1800 24 07 24

Our experienced and trained staff and volunteers offer a listening ear and practical guidance for family carers who care for loved ones such as children or adults with additional needs, physical or intellectual disabilities, frail older people, those with palliative care needs or those living with chronic illnesses, mental health challenges or addiction. 

Our Careline team offer practical information, guidance and referrals on a range of topics including:

 Carer’s Allowance

 Carer’s Benefit

 Carer’s Support Grant

 Family Carers Ireland services including counselling, respite and training

 Carer Support Groups

 Membership of Family Carers Ireland

 Supports available from your local authority, HSE and Department of Social Protection

The Careline Team can signpost family carers who require additional support to Support Centres located throughout the country.

National Freephone Careline Standards

  1. Family Carers Ireland aims to respond to all calls in a non-judgemental way.
  2. Family Carers Ireland aims to respond to 80% of calls received within 60 seconds during opening hours.
  3. Family Carers Ireland aims to respond to all voicemails within one working day.
  4. Family Carers Ireland aims to respond to all emails within 3 working days.

Family Carers Ireland's National Freephone Careline has been awarded a quality standard accreditation by The Helplines Partnership.

The Helplines Standard is a nationally recognised quality standard which defines and accredits best practice in helpline work.

The Helplines Partnership is a membership organisation that aims to promote excellence in communications by evaluating services and promoting best practice to meet service users’ needs.


Frequently Asked Questions